Other than trucks, off road equipment face a lot of wear and tear in their daily usage. These equipment also require delicate care when operating as well as careful maintenance due to the risk it poses to operators safety. As such it is important to keep a strict maintenance schedule and make sure everything is working properly before something catastrophic happens. Keeping off road equipment at peak performance and extending their life spans should be on the top priorities for a fleet manager.
Having a maintenance schedule is part of taking preventive measures that aims to stop problems from happening. It helps with checking minor faults that could snowball into bigger problems down the road. It’s common to see fleet managers set 500-hour, 1000-hour intervals for regular services or even by other parameters such as mileage etc. Using software such as Fleethunt Technologies fleet management software, fleet managers can set up reminders at certain intervals so operators can take the equipment in for maintenance.
Using telematics is a great way to help expedite the process. It also helps with making it easier to schedule maintenance and keeping everything on track. Using Fleethunt fleet management software, fleet managers can customize maintenance schedules as well as checklists so different assets can have their own personalized plan. For example, an older model may require more frequent checks and a dangerous heavy equipment may require checks every other week.
Missed maintenance checks can also be viewed in Fleethunt’s fleet management software and maintenance status can be viewed by more than one person. This means nothing will be overlooked and maintenance schedules can be kept. Alerts on missed checks also help fleet managers prioritize certain assets first in order to meet the requirement.
Imagine having two shovels and you are trying to dig holes. If you use one shovel for 12 hours a day while using the other shovel for only 2 hours a day, the shovel being used more will break down sooner than the other. However, if you even it out to 7 hours each, you will be able to dig for longer and dig more holes. That is called asset utilization. Having a piece of equipment working most of the time while another machine is being underutilized will increase the chances of breakdown of the overworked machine. Spacing out and utilizing both evenly can make sure your machines take on the least amount of work while still producing the same or better efficiency. This helps with maintaining and prolonging the lifespan of your assets. Fleethunt fleet management software allows fleet managers to track utilization among assets and coordinate for maximum efficiency. Click here to learn more about telematics in the construction industry.
Telematics help with streamlining the whole process from creating customized maintenance schedules to alerting fleet managers of missed maintenance and tracking asset utilization. Fleet managers are able to keep their assets healthy and extend their life span to save money on repairs and replacements. Not only does this benefit your company, but it also helps promote a sustainable business. Click here to learn more about fleet sustainability.