Fleet management is the key to many businesses in the transportation industry. Fleet managers oversee the whole fleet in order to manage, organize as well as assess goals in their fleets. These may include fuel economy, fleet efficiency as well as monitoring driver behaviors and vehicle well-being. In order to effectively take care of all these tasks, many companies choose to invest in telematics as a one-stop solution to all their problems.
Whether you own a small or large fleet, there is no denying that it is hard to keep track of your vehicles as they move across town, let alone the country. Relying on individual reports from your drivers may also be affected by factors such as delays in information relay or inaccurate reports. In fact, relying on drivers alone to report their status while they drive your trucks is just unnecessary work on top of what they need to handle. By using a fleet manager to manage your fleet, you benefit from all of the following.
It is no surprise that one of the main problems fleets are facing is driver retention. Fleet management not only keeps the information necessary to understand why drivers are leaving your fleet, you will also be able to find the best solutions and incentives to keep your drivers happy on the road. Fleet managers can help with building a stronger relationship between management and drivers as well as look into improving workplace conditions and programs to incentivise drivers.
By June 12th 2022, ELDs will be a mandatory installation in all commercial vehicles in Canada. This mandate comes in to replace the paper logging system and aims to help with reducing driver fatigue among commercial vehicle drivers. ELDs log everything from fueling to hours of service of commercial vehicles electronically and are managed by fleet management to ensure the information is accurate. Click here to look at FleetHunt’s ELD solutions here.
Fleet managers use trackers to track the location of where their trucks or vehicles are in real time. By using advanced GPS systems, fleet managers are able to monitor and check the location of anything ranging from a few trucks to thousands of trucks across the country. Not only will managers be able to redirect trucks to safer or faster routes, retrieval of hijacked or rogue trucks won’t be a problem as well. Learn more about truck tracking in this blog article here.
With fleet management, telematics are able to provide information that highlights what is making a hole in your wallet. Whether it is the low fuel efficiency or the increased idling time among your drivers, or even if it is a maintenance problem among some of your vehicles, fleet management can help with identifying these problems for your managers to implement change. You can then put your money into what’s important and not worry about losing it to unnecessary charges while managing your business. Learn more about ways you can save money with fleet management here.
With the implementation of ELD mandates and the advancements of technology, many fleet managers turn towards using telematics for managing their fleets. Rather than using traditional pen-and-paper reports, telematics allow for instant, efficient and reliable information relay between the managers and the fleets. Report analysis and driver profiles make it easier for fleet managers to compile the huge sets of data into easily accessible form and implement programs that are specific to the problem at hand. Other than improving efficiency among the fleet, evolving telematics only require software updates and a one-time installation rather than replacing expensive hardware.
Fleet sustainability should be the goal of all fleet managers right now. With the goal of protecting the environment and creating a positive impact on society, fleet managers should know that fleets are not just teams of trucks anymore. With the help of new technology such as blockchain data or electric vehicles, managers are given more and more options to choose the better choice in reducing their impact on the environment and promote a sustainable culture among their fleets. With everyone working a step closer to our future, there is much to benefit from fleet management in the years to come. Learn more about fleet sustainability in this blog here.
Regardless of the industry you’re in, Fleethunt aims to help you in ways tailored for your business. Whether it is towing, passenger transit, construction or the moving industry, our ELD solutions are available to aid in your operations. Click in the respective industries to learn more.